Amyna securité solutions is an independent company dedicated to securing and protecting property and people.
Amyna was created by Jawad Salaf, a recognized expert in the field of security and close protection, in France and internationally. After having exercised himself as a close protection agent, he held several positions of responsibility in Parisian security groups.
Amyna security ensures the security of your private spaces open to the public (ERP) and implements tailor-made services, by mobilizing appropriate profiles. The management ensures permanent monitoring of the quality of the services.
With more than 20 years of experience built up with senior executives and media personalities under threat, Amyna offers tailor-made close protection solutions and allows its clients to carry out their private and professional activities with serenity, in France and Europe:
– vehicles (sedans, vans) with security drivers
– close protection officers
– device manager if necessary.
In addition, subject to obtaining a derogation from the Minister of the Interior, close protection officers can work armed if the conditions are met.
International Protection
Amyna Protection also deploys its physical protection devices in the most threatened environments, always in line with the risks identified upstream and provided that the necessary means are mobilised.
Each case gives rise to a vulnerability and then a feasibility study. With a network of experienced partners, Amyna Protection is able to bring together optimal security conditions for its customers, public institutions or private companies (construction, energy, logistics).
Several services are offered in this sense such as training before departure in risk areas, reception and physical protection during travel.
Amyna Protection thus makes it possible to meet the criminal obligations of the employer which are the information, the training and the protection of its employees during their travels (article L. 4121-1, paragraph 1 of the Labor Code).
Amyna Protection is able to support its clients over a large part of the African continent and the Middle East.
Amyna offers you security and safety consulting services.
Whether it is a preliminary study for a project in a risk area, a security audit of one or more of your premises, or the drafting of a general security plan, Amyna supports you in the production of your security documentation, and the training of your employees.